I purchased both the book and App and although they cover pretty much all the same information, the App is so quick, easy and user friendly to search for anything you want to do on Kauai, that I tended to reach for the App first. Loved how Andrew divided the book and App into 4 sections (north, south, east and west Kauai) so depending on what area you were staying in or travelling to that day, you have immediate access to all different categories instantly! Staying in Kapaa but want to find a beach on the west side to explore? Simple, just press the West side on the map icon, select beaches and presto! The written directions for everything are easy to follow plus you also have the GPS option at your finger tips! And the fact that you can use this App without wifi or cell service anywhere is fantastic! A must have! Without it I dont believe we would have found so many secluded beaches or hiking areas. Well done team!